
This section describe how to download, install dependecies and config Spectro package for the first use


Since the Spectro package is still developing the most straightforward way is to install spectro from github, which provides you access to the latest features and bugfixes:

  1. Clone Spectro from github:

    $ git clone
  2. You can simply place the Spectro folder someplace importable, such as inside the root of another project. Spectro does not need to be “built” or compiled in any way.


Spectro heavily depends on the list of python packages, that you will need to install:

* Python 3.7+


* adjustText==0.7.3
* astroplan==0.8
* astropy==4.2.1
* astroquery==0.4.3
* ccdproc==2.1.1
* ChainConsumer==0.33.0
* corner==2.2.1
* emcee==3.0.2
* h5py==2.10.0
* julia==0.5.6
* lmfit==1.0.2
* lxml==4.6.3
* matplotlib==3.4.3
* mendeleev==0.9.0
* numba==0.53.1
* numdifftools==0.9.39
* numpy==1.20.1
* pyGPs==1.3.5
* PyQt5==5.15.6
* pyqtgraph==0.12.1
* pytz==2021.1
* scikit_learn==1.0.1
* scipy==1.6.2
* seaborn==0.11.1
* statsmodels==0.12.2
* ultranest==3.3.3

The exact versions of the packages listed here are not obligatory (it was generated from the working build), and the code can work with some old/new versions. However, there are sometimes inconsistencies with previous verisons of the packages, e.g. for matplotlib and chainconsumer. For convinience, this package list is automatically stored in requirements.txt, therefore you can simply use:

$ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt


(This step can be skipped)

Before first use it can be useful to config some variable inside the code which provide the path to the external databases, e.g. IGMspec. The paths are kept in the file sviewer\config\config.ini. In this file some dependencies and variables automatically store during the working progress, but you can also edit it by hands on your own risk.


Nevertheless that Spectro can work in the pure python installation, the performance of line profile fitting routines can be significantly enhanced by using Julia language. For this you need to install Julia ( and PyJulia package in Python. The Spectro automatically check that Julia is installed and used it. Once Julia is installed you can choose between Python and Julia to perform line profile fitting using settings avaliable in Preferences menu menu (F11 or View/Preferences in the main menu).